Welcome, Royal!
Who we are:
I’m thrilled to have you drop by. Royalty Press is a Grenadian Christian lifestyle blog, aimed towards sharing quality resources, thoughts and guidance for the Caribbean Christian who desires to 1. make the most of their time, 2. grow in their knowledge of God and others, 3. build solid spiritual disciplines and 4. be inspired by the stories of others. To do this you will have access to thought provoking articles, offers and invitations, and reviews and recommendations of good books, all of which would stimulate discussions about faith, personal and spiritual growth and well being. But this is not just about providing you with stuff, this site is a journey, a journey which began over 10 years ago, when I started university and needed an outlet to process my thoughts and personal bible studies. This journey has evolved somewhat, as my focus has evolved and my knowledge has deepened both in God and people. My name is Kelly, professionally I’m a licensed mental health practitioner but most importantly I am a student of the word, a child of God and part of the kingdom of God. I want to encourage and motivate others to press towards the mark of a higher calling in Christ Jesus through awareness that I hope will spark deliberate lifestyle changes towards a life of Godly distinction.
Our Philosophy
The beautiful thing about Christianity is that none of us who now call ourselves royal, peculiar and chosen, were always here. We are the called out ones for a reason, for we were all in darkness, we were all dead spiritually and disconnected from God, engaging in behaviours, thoughts and lifestyles displeasing to Him. But because we have been saved through faith and adopted into the kingdom in Jesus and were raised to life in Him, we can stand in our new identity (Ephesians 2). But growth is a process for all of us, as we are sanctified daily by His word and work in us. We work out our salvation, nor for our salvation (it’s free allyuh) and we put our hands to the work He has prepared in advance for us to do, for His kingdom, laying aside every weights that hinders us (Hebrews 12:1) and pressing towards the mark of a higher calling in Christ (Philippians 3:14).
What you’ll find here:
Books (books I’ve read and written), How to guides, thought provoking articles on loving God and others, a focus on spiritual disciplines and work ethics, event reviews and interviews.
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