Book Recommendation: When I Don’t Desire God

In a world so consumed with the pursuit of happiness, John Piper’s When I Don’t Desire God, is a must read for the 21st Century Christian. Just the title alone is convicting and speaks to the reality of the Christian life that this book explores. Piper takes you on a journey in this book that truly causes you to pause and reflect at the turn of every page. This is not a book you can hurry through and if you do, it is only so you can return again and start afresh.

I first read this book many years ago. I was a teenager, I had been saved for a little while, been attending church for a little while longer and was at a point in my life where I was ready to truly make a more serious commitment to Christ. This book was as convicting then as it has been now and at the point and stage in my relationship with God, I was able to glean different truths that I held with me at those different points in my life. So, I truly believe that wherever you are in your walk you would find this book useful.

What this book challenges most, is the concept of joy. As sojourners in this world we know of two versions. The one version that is akin to happiness, a brief rush of excitement that we feel when something goes right, or we get what we wanted, or we experienced something new or we possess something we didn’t have before. The other version speaks of one that is everlasting, one that is able to carry you through your roughest days and your toughest seasons. This is the joy that Piper explores in this book. If you ask me it’s a pretty useful weapon against the “vanity fairs” of this life (if you get my Pilgrim’s Progress reference drop a like).

One of my favourite quotes from the book that I think captures it’s main idea is as follows.

“The natural person defined by flesh, but not yet changed by Christ, is so hostile in mind to God’s glorious authority (not submitting to his law) that he cannot delight in God or rejoice in his ways. He can do many religious and moral things, but his heart is far from God (Matt 15:8), and he cannot make himself stop seeing the greatness and authority of God as undesirable.” – John Piper, When I Don’t Desire God.

If you are a believer and you are experiencing this, read this book. If you are a believer and you think you’re pretty okay… read this book. If you’re still on the fence about what you believe, read this book.

Piper posits that these two aspects is the mystery of joy, in that joy is both a gift beyond our control and that joy is a duty. He also points out that though it is something we are unable to do on our own, it does not remove our guilt and it does not mean that we are to do nothing. Instead we must take action.

Joy must be fought for to find, and it must be fought for to maintain, a fight we can only succeed at through Christ enabling us. And even this fight and the ability to do it is a gift as well.

If you’re looking for a book that can help with your spiritual growth, especially if you’re experiencing a season of drought, or distance try this Royalty Press recommended book. Stay tuned for our other posts on the topic of Joy.

Find it here on amazon or you can get a pdf copy via the Desiring God website and check out other books by Piper.

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Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.


Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.

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