Equipped to Serve: Put Your Sunglasses On

Scripture: Luke 11:34-36

“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Therefore, be careful lest the light in you be darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, it will be wholly bright, as when a lamp with its rays gives you light.”

How are you seeing? How do you perceive the world around you, the people in your life or even yourself? Has it ever occurred to you that the way you have been perceiving is hinged on darkened beliefs, seeds planted in your mind by experiences in your life? In innocence our eyes tend to face the world unprotected and wide open, in our open innocence we trust that all we see will be bright, instead we are faced with the darkness of this world. The darkness of broken relationships, disappointments, rejections, abandonment, disasters and the like, which plant seeds of unworthiness, loneliness, lust, anger and even fear.

This darkness we now possess, that fills us, becomes the lens through which we see the world. We can see the world through angry coloured lens, lustful lens, lens of unworthiness, hatred even distrust and this directs our lives. But your life does not have to be this way, you do not have to continue to experience the world from the darkness colouring your inner man, as a result of what your eyes beheld in this life. Jesus has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit, whom he encourages us to ask for, a good gift in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who is the great illuminator, is able to eradicate that darkness from your heart and mind, freeing you to see the world, people and yourself as Jesus desires you to see them. With lens of joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, love, patience, self control, kindness, faithfulness, you will be able to experience hope, to trust, to see yourself with worth, to walk with courage. You will be wholly bright.

Now as you face the world you must remember to guard your heart, by ensuring that your eye is healthy. Put your spiritual sunglasses on, this is the Spirit of God and the word of God, wear it always, for we can never know where an offense or disappointment will come.

Let’s pray

Oh Lord, guard my eyes, my perception of the world, the people and myself. Please equip me with spiritual sunglasses, able to filter the harmful rays of rejection, abandonment, abuse, lust, lies and loss. Lord, may only your light and your truth enter, that I may be filled with hope, joy, peace, goodness and gentleness. Heal me oh Lord, where darkness has entered in, even without my awareness, even in situations where my guard was down and I with trusting gaze looked upon what I thought was light, but which turned out to be darkness. Lord heal me, guide me and keep me, that I will be full of light. So that when uncovered eyes look upon me, they will see you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Be a blessing

Kelly Purcell-Wilkinson 2023

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Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.


Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.

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