God Send Help!
May He send you help from the sanctuary and strengthen you out of Zion (Psalm 20:2)
A quick prayer that I have been praying recently is, “God, send help!”
It’s a prayer of desperation, a prayer when you do not know what to do next. It’s a prayer for the overwhelmed, when life has gotten heavy, and you are not sure how you should respond. It’s a prayer God hears.
It’s a prayer when you recognise that you cannot make it on your own. When the best of your ideas fall flat, and well-made plans do not materialise. When timelines collapse and struggles abound, the prayer is, “God, send help!”
Of course help does not often come immediately, in a visible form. Perhaps God has persons praying and interceding for my situation, unknown to me. Sometimes I feel strengthened suddenly. Other times, long after I have forgotten the prayer, someone comes with a suggestion or a recommendation, something to strengthen my hands in God. Regardless, after the prayer is prayed, visible support and encouragement always comes.
Are we willing to hold on to God’s Word, while support and help is on the way?
Are we willing to trust that He will never leave us or forsake us? Or, when faced with challenges, do we futilely try to help ourselves and take matters into our own hands?
I’ve found that God has a way of reassuring me, reminding me that I am still His, special and loved. So no matter what you are going through in life, may you first recognise that you need help. Then, may you look to the right source of help, the God of Heaven. He will use whatever channel He wants. It’s not your job to demand who the help comes through.
The help He provides will be just what you need. It will be sufficient to strengthen you, sustain you, and see you through.
As you step out in faith and prayer, may God send help! In turn, may you recognise and accept the help that He sends.
Help is on the way.
Kamaria Jordan
Kamaria Jordan is a spoken word minister, poet and author. She is from Trinidad and Tobago, but currently calls Grenada home. She loves Jesus and enjoys encouraging others daily with his word. Visit her instagram page for more of her work.