Good Company Edition Feature: Giddon Gilbert

Today we feature Giddon Gilbert under the Good Company Edition

“I am Giddon Gilbert aka morepreacher (mp),I enjoy fishing, farming, playing music and playing football.”

Giddon #mp (aka more preacher) grew up in the quiet village of Belle Vue, St Davids (Grenada). He was taught to fear God from an early age… but as he got old enough to make his own decisions, he strayed away from the Christian life to see what the world had to offer. There came a time in his life when he realized that Jesus Christ has more to offer than the temporary things of this world… So he accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. 

It was in 2010 that The Lord spoke to him about leading young people to Jesus. Then came the inspiration, motivation and meditation to write and sing about the goodness of God using the reggae and soca genre. He has shared the stage with many Gospel ministers from all over the world, which includes positive DJ Nicholas, Marvia Providence and many more. He believes that  people should and will be changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is now pursuing a bachelor’s degree in bible and theology at the West Indies School of Theology.

What do you define as full-time ministry?

To me Full time ministry is basically devoting your whole life towards anything that contributes towards the advancement of God’s kingdom. (This may include discipleship, evangelism, etc)

What is the kind of ministry you are currently involved in?

I’m Currently involved in the ministry of the word. Worship ministry and also I write and record songs as a means of evangelism.

How did you know you wanted to go into full-time ministry?

Well I received many signs from God concerning full time ministry (one of them was me constantly getting good stable jobs and never settling there for more than 2 years). Also, there was always a desire in me to do whatever God has called me to do. God also used people to confirm the call to full time ministry many times.

What were some of the sacrifices you had to make to do this? What difficulties did you face?

I had to turn down many financial opportunities, also the desire to get married at a certain age had to be placed on hold. One of the major difficulties I faced was trying to understand how everything will work out (for example- leaving my Job and financial opportunities to go after God’s work).

What do you enjoy about what you do?

I enjoy seeing people being transformed and developed by the Gospel message. I enjoy seeing people glorifying God.

Who or what inspired you to take this path?

Firstly it was God who inspired me, also there are a few men and women of God who played a role.

What would you say is your personal touch that you bring to your area of ministry?

My personal touch could probably be my sense of determination with whatever I put my hands to. Also, the natural sense of always looking to try and encourage or cheer up someone.

What would you say to someone who is considering full-time ministry? Or any young believer who wants to get involved in the work of God?

I would tell them once GOD call you into something he will take care of you. Therefore, there’s no need to worry. Pray to God for direction and he will definitely answer you.

When you think of the concept of Royalty what comes to your mind?

When I think of royalty I think about a cost. Why? According to the bible, Jesus is the king of kings. However, He became the ultimate sacrifice so that everyone can receive eternal life. (John 3:16) Therefore, anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour becomes part of God’s kingdom. Hence,  if Jesus is the king of all kings when one becomes part of his kingdom they should be considered royalty. Wherefore, to be Royalty there is a price one must pay. This involves giving up everything and allowing God to be Lord over your life. There is a cost to being Royalty.

We thank Giddon for sharing with us and we hope that his story inspires you to obey God’s call on your life. It does not have to be full time ministry as a pastor, missionary, gospel artiste etc. but whatever God calls you to is important to the kingdom. If you are royalty then you have a responsibility to bear fruit in keeping with your identity and call. Notice however, that following the call, as Giddon shared, is not easy. It requires sacrifices and often pushes you out of your comfort zone to a place where you can depend on God. But there is a joy that comes when you know you’re doing what you were made to do. Giddon continues to show unwavering determination and innovation in what he puts his hands to. We pray for God’s continued direction, protection and provision over his life.

Giddon also has a Royalty Clothing Wear line that is available for purchase in Trinidad and Grenada. So if you are interested in representing who you are and whose you are on the outside too. Check out the Royalty Clothing line. You can also follow Giddon on Instagram to see what else he’s up to.

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Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.

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