Good Company Edition: Interview with K’ Morale
In this good company feature we have the pleasure of interviewing Mrs. Kareen Morain Alexander, also known as “K’Morale”. Kareen is originally from St. David’s Grenada, where she grew up in the community of La Tante. She now resides in Chantimelle, St. Patrick with her family. She is a wife and mother of two beautiful children. Kareen currently serves at the Hosanna Worship Center as a worship minister and secretary to the Young Women’s Ministry. She loves baking and of course singing.
What propelled you into singing/worship ministry?
I started singing as long as I could remember. I grew up in a household of singers we were always singing. I was in the children’s choir at school from grade 1.
How long have you been involved in this area?
I started singing calypso at the age of 10 and is a former National Junior Calypso Monarch. I represented my school in many cultural arts competitions whether it was calypso, choir or dance. I was also a part of many cultural groups and had the opportunity to travel abroad to represent my country through this medium. So singing has always been a part of my life.
How did you know that this was something you wanted to do?/ Who or what inspired you to take this path?
I grew up in a Christian home and always had a desire to get closer to God. I always believed that God had a plan for my life but didn’t quite understand it but I knew that God’s hand was on my life.
I got baptized in 2010 and was involved in the choir and was a background worship singer. I was asked one Sunday to lead worship at the church I attended at the time as all the worship leaders was out that Sunday. It was the most intimidating moment for me… I raced through the set. It was most uncomfortable for me then. I vowed never me again! I preferred to chair the service anytime though I never chaired service before. It was tough. I learnt that day that performance and ministry are totally different. It was then prophesied to me that I am a Worshipper, but I brushed it off and said nah that’s not for me.
I got married and took up membership at the church I currently attend. Not too long after I moved into this church there was a PAWI Youth closing Rally coming up and the Sister who had to lead worship was not able to make it so Pastor asked me to lead. I said yes but I also told my Pastor that I never did anything like this before remembering what happened the last time I was entrusted with a similar role. This time a bigger audience! A team was already selected so it was to get the songs together and practice and we did it. This time it felt better and was commended for it by the organising team. Then I said maybe that’s really my calling and the prophecy was true. I then started leading worship at my church and was then elevated from being a worship leader to a worship minister due to my growth in the ministry.
At a turning point in my life when I really desired to have have better relationship with God; God began to pour into my life words and melodies that I scripted into songs. These songs I’m now preparing into an album titled Answering the Call. I’ve also sung some of them at local concert and events. That’s how K’ Morale came about which means “Kingdom State of Mind”
What are some of the challenges you’ve faced in the local music arena?
What I appreciate is that more artists are writing their own songs and have their bands to carry the good news further, but we need more support from our churches. That is lacking highly. Also from the business community to support local Gospel events; that is lacking too. I also co-own a gospel promotion business with my husband named Higher Level Promotions. We organize events so I also have an a good idea as to how things go in that area.
What is most fulfilling aspect of what you do?
What’s most fulfilling to me is to see the move of the Holy Spirit whenever I’m ministering. It’s just amazing sometimes to see how God uses me or a song to give someone their breakthrough. One of my greatest fears is to leave this earth without fulfilling the purpose of God in my life so I give my all.
What would you say is your personal touch that you bring to the local Christian music arena?
One thing I’ve learnt along the way is to take ministry seriously and always be prepared. I take away myself and allow God to minister through me. So it’s never really about me but God’s work in me. The glory belongs to God and he knows what he has placed in me to get his work done. I think it’s just about being available to his will for my life and ministry.
If you could speak to your younger self now, what would you say to her?
I’d probably say to my younger self this scripture: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all shall be added to you. As I grow older I realize how true this scripture is. Everything we need for life belongs to God, the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof and always trust him to direct your path. God is always there and he needs you to have a relationship with him so you can truly understand who he really is.
Where do you see K’Morale in the next 5 years?
In the next five years I see myself being involved in full time ministry ministering to the nations winning souls for the kingdom in every corner of the earth.
Any advice for those aspiring to the Christian music arena?
My advice to local artist is to love God and allow him to use them and their ministry to bring honour and glory to his name. Keep pressing and seek God in all their pursuits. Focus more on purpose and ministry than performance. Ministry reaches souls, performance entertains.
It was such a pleasure to hear from K’ Morale. Her heart for God and her desire to use her gifts to serve Him wholeheartedly is truly an encouragement and we thank God for her, she truly has a kingdom state of mind. Join us in wishing K’ Morale great success as she goes forward in ministry by leaving your comments, liking and/or sharing this post. You can also further show your support by following K’ Morale as she embarks on the launch of her album “Answering the Call”. This album was due to be launched last year (2020), but Covid 19 got in the way of that. Regardless, K’ Morale and her team are not going to let that stop them. So look out for what’s next for her! You can stay in touch by following her on Facebook @kmoralemusic and also check out her YouTube page.
Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.