Monday Musings: A screaming baby and rotting meat

Greetings Royals,

I do hope this post finds you well and more so, fully engaged in your best efforts for the Kingdom. As we embark on the latter part of this year, I thought it fitting to pop my head up and say hello. It has been a while since I’ve shared here, and more so, shared one of my musings, that is, simply written from my heart. Today I find myself thinking about time, how it has the power to push us to tackle each day with purpose and urgency and also has a way of paralyzing us. These days, when time seems to be rushing along with no regard for the tortoises among us, one wonders whether it might be better to just survive. All those dreams, all those ideas, maybe they’re just too much after all. Especially, when the weights of life’s demands rest so heavily upon our fragile shoulders, we wonder, toy with… court with the possibility of giving up.

I dare say, I was haply convicted recently of my own struggle to keep up, with my mind constantly churning out ideas, castles and landscapes and wonders galore, my hands flew up in partial resignation. Something strange happened, more than once I admit shamefully. Where I had this idea, I started working on it and found myself distracted by one of life’s unexpected corners, or simply lost my motivation when the novelty of it wore out. And guess what, then I saw my idea flaunted before me, proudly laid out on someone else’s platter. I found myself thoroughly excited for them and what this means for the world, yet totally convicted.

There is a proverb which drove this home for me, left me cringing at my own condition, asking myself the question: is it laziness if what keeps me from tackling “the thing”, is another thing seemingly so much more demanding standing in the way?

Proverbs 12:27 (NKJV): The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, but diligence is man’s precious possession

Proverbs 12:27 (NIV): The lazy do not roast any game, but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

Am I saying that I am lazy when I do not accomplish the task I set out to on account of something seemingly more pressing? Or that you are, for prioritizing what screams loudest? I really can’t say for sure if laziness truly is the word, but I know for sure lack of diligence truly is the concern. See I have come to realize that God’s work isn’t often the screaming kind, the demanding kind, the throw a tantrum on the floor until it’s given candy kind, rather it sits quietly and waits for someone attentive enough to pick it up and reap it’s harvest. Yet we are so caught up attending to the tantrums in our lives which by the standards of a demanding world allows us to appear dependable, diligent even, but as far as the kingdom is concerned we are but a sluggard, choosing to ignore the baby of purpose waiting patiently to be attended to.

Do we mope and cry when we’ve missed opportunities, do we rush to compete with the one attentive enough to take on the challenge we ignored? I hope not, instead we should learn the lesson here, that in a world so obsessed with productivity, time management and deliverables, we can easily be distracted from the gentle tempered baby of purpose. That side thing… that you are constantly drawn to but seems a worthy sacrifice every time the demanding cries of survival rings out, yea that. How much longer will you bring your hunt in, only to leave it rotting at the door?

Hmm, well this went somewhere I didn’t quite expect it to, and I feel thoroughly convicted afresh. If this speaks to you in any way, please make the effort to tune out the screaming baby for a second and attend the one that has been quietly waiting, while brutally starving for your attention. The year is almost over, but it’s not too late to start, besides the stench of rotting dreams leaves one quite sick to the stomach. Share if this resonated with you, so that we can all be convicted by the stench together.

Be a blessing,


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Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.


Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.

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