Motherhood: A Soundness in Faith, in Love and in Steadfastness
I am a teacher by profession without biological offspring. You can imagine then how heartwarming it is to hear when students refer to me as their ‘mommy’. I am indeed humbled by such declarations. Truly, it is one thing to be called mommy but what does motherhood really entail? Cambridge Dictionary informs that motherhood is the state or time of being a mother. While having the ability to reproduce a child qualifies one to be a mother, there are women who take care of children outside of biological means for multiple reasons. I dare ask, is this task of motherhood effectively performed by all mothers? Today, we are going to explore this notion of motherhood in three parts.
Motherhood: a soundness in faith
Faith, according to Compelling Truth, speaks to an active trust in God, a belief in what He says is true that results in action. Mothers must first be God-fearing in order to facilitate this obligation. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to train up a child in a way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. In the ideal nuclear family, it is the task of fathers to spiritually lead the household. Regrettably in today’s day, mothers are most times left to perform this role at home. Mothers, you are required to live out your faith. No matter what challenges you face in motherhood, children must know you are a woman of faith. Being a godly mother is the best gift you can give your child/children. Indeed, children must grow up in the fear of the Lord. Mothers, ensure you model Christ at home and at church, in fact, everywhere you go, for children live what they learn. Mothers, you must also encourage your child/children to pursue a relationship with Christ. A child needs sound spiritual direction. Once this solid foundation is laid, a child is more than positioned to be an asset to kingdom building which will filter seamlessly into society.
Motherhood: a soundness in love.
A mother has to nurture her child/children. Remember, a child’s first experience with love begins at the home. In Corinthians 13:1, love is described as patient, as kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Only God can produce this kind of love in us which reinforces the need for mothers to be god-fearing as highlighted earlier. The way a mother offers love to her child will dictate the way this child shows love to himself/herself and to others. Now, in the process of showing love, there comes a time when this love can become compromised. Sometimes, there is a tendency for mothers to condone wrong doing by their child/children to preserve their relationship with their child/children. This may seemingly be beneficial in the moment, but can have severe implications for a child later in life. While we agree that children are not always receptive to correction, it remains the Lord’s desire that mothers uphold biblical principles during their child rearing. The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 27:5 that open rebuke is better than secret love. Mothers, you must never be afraid to correct your children in love.
Motherhood: a soundness in steadfastness.
Holman’s Bible dictionary informs that steadfastness is a word meaning to endure patiently. The KJV dictionary adds, steadfastness speaks about firmness of mind or purpose; fixedness in principle; constancy; resolution; How does a mother remain steadfast? The Bible encourages us in Psalm 27:14: Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen thine heart. Wait I say on the Lord. We often see mothers who give up on their children. Yes, we agree that children can test one’s patience but part of the Fruit of the Spirit is patience. As mothers, you must remember that God would not give you children and not equip you to effectively deal with them. The challenge is most times we try to ‘mother’ in our own strength. This will only lead to much fatigue and frustration. Mothers, you need wisdom for this special task of motherhood. Fortunately, God gives wisdom to all who ask. I implore you to so seek His wisdom to be more prepared to manoeuvre throughout the process of motherhood. As mothers, you must stand in the strength of Christ.
Indeed, mothers must be consistent. As mothers do not adopt the approach, do as I say but not as I do. Children see right through hypocrisy and lose respect for mothers whose speech and actions are not aligned. Being a godly mother mandates that we simply cannot talk the way but walk the way. Pray for your child. Pray with your child. Pray until the child sneezes, until there is breakthrough.
Although I am not yet a mother, motherhood seems like quite a feat! You may be thinking, I have not been the best mother I could be to my child. It is never too late to become the best mother you can be. Mothers, rise to the occasion! You can do this with God by your side. God is right there to lead, guide and direct you, mothers throughout this journey.
Be encouraged!! Happy Mother’s Day to all you wonderful mothers.
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Shenelle Antoine
Shenelle hails from the beautiful island of Grenada. She is a teacher at heart and by profession, with a passion for languages and the word of God. Shenelle enjoys spending time teaching her students, studying the word of God and sharing with others what God lays on her heart.