Resolution for Self Reflection: let’s be honest.
Greetings Royals!
I know I’m a bit late but… welcome to 2019 my hope is that it is a year of great things for all of us.
Some time has passed since my last post on Royalty Press, the truth is that I have been doing alot of reflection and brainstorming on the way forward for me personally and as relates to my work with Royalty Press United, my writing and my career. Some of that reflecting I have done publicly on my Self Journey blog that I have been posting at since last year. You can check that out if you like. Note that this is my first public invitation to check out that particular blog as it’s been a bit personal and me focused, which is not what I am used to writing. But I felt it was something I needed to do in this season. So check out Book of Kelly if you feel so inclined to find out what I’ve been up to with my own honest reflection of myself. With that said I would like to return your attention to Royalty Press United.
I have had such a great vision for this website, but in reflecting on my struggles to bring that vision to reality I’ve had to come to the realization that the hindrances are closely linked to the personal flaws I have discovered in myself. My aim is to truly tackle these in this upcoming year and to encourage you to do the same. I believe that the key to the good life is to be honest with yourself. The masks we wear for the public eyes, should never fool us as well, but where necessary, only serve to guard us as we work on our issues and insecurities. In all of this I always recommend good reads and good company. Because we need tools to help us grow and I believe that surrounding ourselves with the right information and people, with whom we can be our genuine selves are keys to this.
So moving beyond our “Relationship Resolution” theme from last year, I want to put forward the “Resolution for Self Reflection” in 2019. I am therefore admonishing all of you to get to know yourselves better in this upcoming year. To truly engage with your hopes, dreams and relationships and to be honest, even if it’s only with yourself.
So my question to you is: are you willing to truly dig deep into yourself and make the necessary adjustments to become the person God has called you to be?
My hope is that we can hear more of each other this year. I thank you so much for making it to 2019 with me, for sticking it out and supporting the Royalty Press Community. I welcome you to reach out to me, let me know what’s your response to the question asked. If there are any topics or questions you would like me to tackle, you can easily get in touch with me via the contact page or by leaving a comment down below. Let’s interact some more in 2019.
Be a blessing,
Kelly is the founder of Royalty Press United. Author of the Gemstone Royals fantasy series, Twist of Faith and Crossroads. Counseling psychologist, proud Grenadian and devoted follower of Christ.